Surface sediments geochemical samples from Assessment Report # 35177

11 samples found Map view
Sample ID Sample Name Sample Type Sample Subtype Sample Colour Description NAD83 Latitude Longitude
89266 COL14SS01 stream sediment stream sediment sample with various round and angular rock types(volc ,qtz granitic) 1 m wide stream extremely fine-grained silt, medium flow trace magnetite, trace pyrite 51.5752650970085 -119.666847710746
89267 COL14SS02 stream sediment stream sediment sample with various fragments. 1 m wide stream fine-grained silt medium flow, trace pyrite 51.5747783046105 -119.666501660262
89268 COL14SS03 stream sediment fine-grained silt and gravel, mixed lithologies, quartz cards frag's, trace magnetite, one half a meter wide moderate flow 51.5738567768361 -119.666288933645
89269 COL14S01 till trench 1 till sample from 1 m deep hole, 60 sand\30 gravel\10 silt, heavily oxidized, and sample in field had traced to a half a percent fine-grained pyrite 51.5752461499972 -119.666889902852
89270 COL14S02 till trench 1 till sample from 1 m deep hole heavily oxidized till 60 sand\30 frags\10 organic trace pyrite in frags 51.5752371681336 -119.666889376834
89271 COL14S03 till trench one till sample from 1 m deep hole heavily oxidized till 70% fragments\25% silt sand\5% organics, trace pyrite and panned sample 51.575156331361 -119.666884642687
89272 COL14S04 till trench 2 till sample, 60% sub angular oxidized fragments\30% sand\10% organics, quartz frags 51.5750725446583 -119.667009640437
89273 COL14S05 till trench 2 till sample, 70% sub angular oxidized fragments\20% silt, fragments with quartz carbonate and trace pyrite 51.5751171261935 -119.667026685297
89274 COL14S06 till trench 2 till sample from what from 1 m pit, 70% sand\gravel\20% silt\10% organic, very oxidized soil 51.5751530536442 -119.667028789468
89275 COL14S07 till till sample from 1 m pit, 60% fragments\20% sand\20% Clay trace pyrite in and volcanic quartz sample 51.5737236871725 -119.666208974409
89276 COL14S08 till till from 1 m deep pit, 70% fragments\20% sand\10% clay, trace pyrite and fragment samples 51.5771490674978 -119.663493768177