Surface sediments geochemical samples from Assessment Report # 35984

27 samples found Map view
Sample ID Sample Name Sample Type Sample Subtype Sample Colour Description NAD83 Latitude Longitude
4428 MMI-10A soil-mmi medium brown Hole contains angular to subrounded gravel to cobble sized phyllitic quartzite. Took rock sample here (ROCK-10A) 53.0351086483434 -121.673373004654
4429 MMI-11 soil-mmi red-brown Surface of hole is grey grading to reddish brown at depth. Hole contains minor amounts of angular to subangular dark grey phyllitic gravels. Surface contains angular to subangular large cobbles of dark grey pyllite and QV, may be talis from upslope. 53.0351187885572 -121.674282449386
4430 MMI-12 soil-mmi orange-brown Surface of hole is grey grading to orange-brown at depth. Hole contains subrounded to subangular dark grey phyllite and QV gravel and lesser subangular cobbles. Cobbles are light grey sericitic phyllite that is weathered orange. 53.0350998019414 -121.674998905
4431 MMI-13 soil-mmi orange-brown Hole contains orange-brown soil. 53.0351728385448 -121.675906422762
4432 MMI-14 soil-mmi khaki-brown-orange On east slope of south striking ridge. Hole contains rare subangular cobbles. 53.035170986664 -121.676547783512
4433 MMI-15 soil-mmi light red-brown Hole contains subrounded gravels. 53.0351416729439 -121.677145242609
4434 MMI-16 soil-mmi medium red-brown Hole contains subrounded phyllitic rocks with rare qtz gravels. Also in hole is subangular greenish-gy silicious phyllite with qtz stringers. 53.0351878979548 -121.678068498826
4435 MMI-17 soil-mmi orange-brown Hole contains subrounded to subangular pebbles, gravels and cobbles with rare qtz pebbles. 53.03511413854 -121.678712057968
4436 MMI-18 soil-mmi orange-brown-grey Color is a mix of orangish brown and grey. Hole contains much subrounded to angular phyllitic < qtz gravels. Angular cobble from hole is mottles QV with < 5% py. Took rock sample. 53.0352302610949 -121.679454210897
4437 MMI-19 soil-mmi orange-brown Surface of hole is grey grading to orange-brown in color. Angular gravels and cobbles. Rock sample taken. 53.0352648343805 -121.680139201856
4438 MMI-36 soil-mmi orange-brown Hole contains ~50% subangular phyllitic gravel. 53.0353927457339 -121.681134541219
4439 MMI-37 soil-mmi brown>orange Difficult hole to dig: much gravel and angular blueish gy argillite (+/- gr). More clayey than previous. 53.0353530999761 -121.681613002323
4440 MMI-38 soil-mmi brown-orange>grey Hole very wet and filling with water, so diverted from usual procedure and took sample from the 12-32 cm soils already removed from hole (instead of sampling side of hole). 53.0354270770453 -121.682609991988
4441 MMI-39 soil-mmi brown>red-green Hole contains angular gy sericitic phyllite cobbles and gravel, some with rusty weathering. 53.0354704541429 -121.683279805985
4442 MMI-40 soil-mmi orange-brown Excellent color in this hole. Contains rare subangular to subrounded gravels. Took pics. 53.0354522381157 -121.684070809952
4443 MMI-41 soil-mmi brown 53.03549222436 -121.685247809761
4444 30 soil-mmi red-brown Weather is overcast and cool. Dry, coarse, sandy gravel. Round to subangular pebbles, subrounded to subangular gravel, subrounded cobble. Medium percent rock with subrounded quartz gravel present. 53.0555559651583 -121.701438180837
4445 31 soil-mmi red-brown Damp, fine, sandy clay with a few subangular pebbles and gravel. 53.0556793411894 -121.70121065469
4446 32 soil-mmi red-brown Damp, fine, sandy clay with a few subangular pebbles and gravel. 53.0558023910242 -121.70095329478
4447 33 soil-mmi red-brown Damp, fine, sandy clay. Larger percent subrounded to subangular pebbles. Medium percent subrounded to subangular gravel. 53.0558896550715 -121.700711931226
4448 34 soil-mmi red-brown Damp, fine sandy clay with a few subrounded quartz cobble and a few subrounded gravel. 53.0560131926184 -121.700499317556
4449 35 soil-mmi dark red-brown Dry, coarse, sandy gravel, rocky. Large percent subrounded thru to angular pebbles and gravel. Larger percent subrounded and subangular cobble. 53.0561839462059 -121.700494179323
4450 36 soil-mmi dark red-brown Damp, coarse, sandy gravel. Very rocky with large percent subrounded quartz cobble and subrounded to subangular pebbles, gravel and cobble. 53.0564079702086 -121.700427752658
4451 37 soil-mmi dark brown-grey Wet, loam into clay. Course and very rocky. Large percent subangular and angular cobble. Small percent of subangular and angular pebbles and gravel. 53.0565411461156 -121.700274531042
4452 38 soil-mmi grey Wet, coarse, very rocky clay. Extreme percent subangular, angular and subrounded pebbles, gravel and cobble. 53.0565916456337 -121.699959661628
4453 39 soil-mmi grey-brown Damp, coarse, very rocky gravelly clay. Extreme percent pf angular and subangular pebbles, gravel and cobble. 53.0565887112703 -121.699691164673
4454 40 soil-mmi 53.0567027707129 -121.699434065686