Sample Summary
ARSSG Sample ID: 105888
Assessment Report No.: 31093Original Sample Name: RB-M-L0E-1650
Sample Type: soil-mmi
Original X Coordinates: 457104Original Y Coordinates: 6096915EPSG SRID: 3157
NAD83 Latitude: 55.0172342746676NAD83 Longitude: -123.670872544119Coordinate Confidence: H
Analyte Abundance Units Detection Limit Method
Ag 19 ppb 1 Prorietary sample digestion with ICP analysis
Ag -0.4 ppm Unspecified/other
Al 1.41 % Unspecified/other
As 20 ppb 10 Prorietary sample digestion with ICP analysis
As 2 ppm Unspecified/other
Au -10 ppb Unspecified/other
Au -0.1 ppb 0.1 Prorietary sample digestion with ICP analysis
Ba 85 ppm Unspecified/other
Bi -5 ppm Unspecified/other
Ca 0.36 % Unspecified/other
Cd 4 ppb 1 Prorietary sample digestion with ICP analysis
Cd -1 ppm Unspecified/other
Co 8 ppm Unspecified/other
Cr 37 ppm Unspecified/other
Cu 21 ppm Unspecified/other
Cu 200 ppb 10 Prorietary sample digestion with ICP analysis
Fe 2.68 % Unspecified/other
K 0.06 % Unspecified/other
La 7 ppm Unspecified/other
Mg 0.53 % Unspecified/other
Mn 211 ppm Unspecified/other
Mo 13 ppb 5 Prorietary sample digestion with ICP analysis
Mo -2 ppm Unspecified/other
Na 0.05 % Unspecified/other
Ni 23 ppm Unspecified/other
P 1223 ppm Unspecified/other
Pb 5 ppm Unspecified/other
Pb 80 ppb 10 Prorietary sample digestion with ICP analysis
S -0.5 % Unspecified/other
Sb -5 ppm Unspecified/other
Se -5 ppm Unspecified/other
Sn -2 ppm Unspecified/other
Sr 26 ppm Unspecified/other
Ti 0.06 % Unspecified/other
V 70 ppm Unspecified/other
W -2 ppm Unspecified/other
Y 3 ppm Unspecified/other
Zn 53 ppm Unspecified/other
Zn 120 ppb 20 Prorietary sample digestion with ICP analysis