Publication Summary
Issue ID: GF2016-01
Title: Supplementary data for application of trace-element compositions of detrital apatite to explore for porphyry deposits in central British Columbia
Author(s): Rukhlov, A., Plouffe, A., Ferbey, T., Mao, M., Spence, J.
Series Name: GeoFile
Publication Year: 2016
NTS Map Sheet(s): 082;083;092;093;094;102;103;104;114
Place Keyword(s): British Columbia
Lat/Long (NSWE): 60, 48, -140, -114
Theme Keyword(s): coal, production, exploration expenditures, coal licenses
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GeoFile 2016-01 provides tables with electron microprobe (EMPA) and laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) analytical results of apatite grains separated from till and mineralized bedrock samples collected as part of the Geological Survey of Canada’s collaborative Targeted Geoscience Initiative-4 Program. The samples were obtained from the regions of porphyry mineralization at the Gibraltar, Highland Valley Copper and Mount Polley mines, and the Woodjam developed prospect in central British Columbia. This GeoFile serves as a data repository for interpretations presented by Rukhlov et al. (2016) in BC Geological Fieldwork 2015. In addition, Appendix 4 lists calculated parameters for the apatite grains discussed in Rukhlov et al. (2016).