Publication Summary
Issue ID: OF2004-03
Title: B.C. Age 2004A-1 (release 3, October 2004) - A Database of Isotopic Age Determinations for Rock Units from British Columbia
Author(s): Breitsprecher, K., Mortensen, J.K.
Purpose: basic data to help provide geologic background to geologists
Series Name: Open File
Publication Year: 2004
NTS Map Sheet(s): 082;083;092;093;094;102;103;104;114
Place Keyword(s): British Columbia
Lat/Long (NSWE): 60, 48, -139, -114
Theme Keyword(s): Geochronology, isotopic age determinations, bedrock units, rock samples
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BCAge 2004 is an MS-Access based database containing all reported non-proprietary isotopic age determinations for bedrock units from British Columbia. This release contains 7759 age determinations from 4828 rock samples, summarizing 622 published articles, theses or unpublished reports. The data is fully relational, and may be queried by the user on the basis absolute age (in Ma), location (NTS map sheet, terrane polygon, or decimal lat-long, as specified by the user) or source (e.g. author, journal title, etc.). The product is not stand-alone; the end user must install Microsoft Access, version 2000 or XP (2002). This data has also been integrated into MapPlace.