Publication Summary
Issue ID: OF2004-08
Title: Helicopter-borne gamma ray spectrometric and magnetic total field geophysical survey, Toodoggone Area, British Columbia
Author(s): Shives, R.B.K., Carson, J.M., Ford, K.L., Holman, P.B., Diakow, L.J.
Series Name: Open File
Publication Year: 2004
Other Citation Details: Also published as GSC Open File 4613
NTS Map Sheet(s): Parts of 094D/15, 094E/02,03,06,07,10,11
Place Keyword(s): British Columbia, Toodoggone
Lat/Long (NSWE): 57.6287, 56.868, -127.489, -126.588
Theme Keyword(s): gamma-ray spectrometric, magnetic total field, geophysics
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A joint BCMEM GSC conducted a multisensor (gamma-ray spectrometric, magnetic total field) helicopter-borne geophysical survey in the Toodoggone area, British Columbia, Canada. Flight lines were oriented NE-SW, spaced at 400 m intervals. The survey was flown under contract, by Fugro Airborne Surveys. The survey was funded through the Targeted Geoscience Initiative, and by a consortium of companies including Bishop Resources Inc., Finlay Minerals Ltd., Northgate Exploration Ltd., Sable Resources Ltd., and Stealth Minerals Ltd..