Issue ID: | GBCR2006-01-22 |
Title: | Targeted Energy-Resource Studies in the Bowser and Sustut Interior Basins of B.C. |
Author(s): | Evenchick, C.A., O'Sullivan, P.B., Waldron, J.W.F. |
Purpose: | The objectives are to: determine stratigraphic relationships in the Hazelton-Bowser transition, in order to understand the tectonic processes involved in the initiation of the basin and the role of the Upper Hazelton as a potential source rock; and determine the origin and relative timing of transverse structures responsible for domes and basins within the basin, with the aim of understanding their relationship to potential petroleum traps. |
Series Name: | Geoscience BC Report |
Publication Year: | 2006 |
Other Citation Details: | Geoscience BC Report 2006-1 |
Larger Work Citation: | in Geological Fieldwork 2005, Geoscience BC Report 2006-01, pages 281 to 286 |
NTS Map Sheet(s): | 093L, 093M, 094D, 094E, 103I, 103P, 104A, 104B, 104G, 104H |
Place Keyword(s): | British Columbia, Bowser Basin |
Lat/Long (NSWE): | 54.5, 58, -130.75, -126 |
Theme Keyword(s): | Geoscience BC Fieldwork, Sustut Basin, petroleum resources, apatite fission-track thermochronology, Bowser Lake Group |
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| The Bowser and Sustut basins are interior basins of Jurassic and Cretaceous age in north-central British Columbia. They have been underexplored in terms of hydrocarbon resources because of widespread misperceptions of their prospectivity, largely due to the reconnaissance nature of all geoscience work carried out there until recently. This two-year project focuses on specific, detailed, energy-resource studies complementary to an ongoing regional project that has been a collaboration between the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (BCMEMPR; Evenchick et al., 2005). The project includes three elements of research and compilation: apatite fission-track thermochronology (AFTT) of the southern basins; detailed study of the early history and structural development of the Bowser Basin; and data management, integration and digital publication. The sample analysis and interpretation of AFTT data are critical to understanding petroleum systems in sedimentary basins, which is an essential element of a geoscience-resource framework on which to base sound exploration decisions. Mapping in targeted areas will provide detailed field data on the important early history and geometry of the basin. Data management, integration and publication are critical because communication of data and interpretations are essential to attracting investment to the region. This paper outlines the three elements of this project, describing the nature of the work and its relationship to the broader GSC project. It also presents the status of the project. Details of work on the early Bowser Basin history are presented in a separate paper (Waldron et al., 2006). |