Publication Summary
Issue ID: GBCR2007-01-30
Title: Mineralization, Alteration and Structure of the Taseko Lakes Region, Southwestern B.C.: Preliminary Analysis
Author(s): Hollis, L., Blevings, S.K., Chamberlain, C.M., Hickey, K.A., Kennedy, L.A.
Series Name: Geoscience BC Report
Publication Year: 2007
Other Citation Details: Geoscience BC Report 2007-1
Larger Work Citation: in Geological Fieldwork 2006, Geoscience BC Report 2007-01, pages 297-306
Scale: 1:6000000
NTS Map Sheet(s): 092O/04
Place Keyword(s): British Columbia, Taseko Lakes, Coast Belt, Bralorne
Lat/Long (NSWE): 51.25, 51, -124, -123.5
Theme Keyword(s): Geoscience BC Fieldwork, porphyry, Cu - Mo, Tchaikazan fault, mineralization
The paper presents preliminary field observations concentrating on four main areas within the Taseko Lakes region: the Hub, which is a suspected Cu-Mo porphyry system; the Northwest Copper showing, which is an areally extensive, suspected epithermal Cu-Au showing; the Twin Creeks area, where anomalous Cu, Mo and Au values have been identified from prospecting and stream sediment samples (McLaren, 1990); and the Tchaikazan fault.