Publication Summary
Issue ID: GBCR2007-01-33
Title: ASTER Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Product Coverage, B.C. - Phase 2
Author(s): Kilby, W.E., Kilby, C.E.
Series Name: Geoscience BC Report
Publication Year: 2007
Other Citation Details: Geoscience BC Report 2007-1
Larger Work Citation: in Geological Fieldwork 2006, Geoscience BC Report 2007-01, pages 315-318
Scale: 1:10000000
NTS Map Sheet(s): 082;083;092;093;094;102;103;104;114
Place Keyword(s): British Columbia
Lat/Long (NSWE): 60, 48, -139, -114
Theme Keyword(s): Geoscience BC Fieldwork, MapPlace, ASTER, image analysis, KML/KMZ
This project provides access to a recent provincial scale detailed dataset of multispectral imagery that can be freely downloaded or used on line in conjunction with the MapPlace to identify alteration zones, geological features and new exposures.