Publication Summary
Issue ID: GBCR2007-01-37
Title: New Geological Mapping and Implications for Mineralization Potential in the Southern and Western Whitesail Lake Map Area, Southwestern B.C.
Author(s): Mahoney, J.B., Haggart, J.W., Hooper, R.L., Snyder, L.D., Woodsworth, G.J., Friedman, R.M.
Series Name: Geoscience BC Report
Publication Year: 2007
Other Citation Details: Geoscience BC Report 2007-1
Larger Work Citation: in Geological Fieldwork 2006, Geoscience BC Report 2007-01, pages 341-354
Scale: 1:250000
NTS Map Sheet(s): 093E
Place Keyword(s): British Columbia, Whitesail Lake, southwestern
Lat/Long (NSWE): 53.75, 53, -128, -127
Theme Keyword(s): Geoscience BC Fieldwork, bedrock mapping, economic mineralization, Hazelton Group, layered mafic intrusion
This investigation focuses on detailed bedrock mapping and economic mineralization potential in the southern and western Whitesail Lake map area (NTS 093E).