MapBuilder Help
Click on a tool to see help for that item.

Highlight Tenure

Open a map you have saved to your computer.
  1. Click Open
  2. Select a map you have saved on your computer. The file type must be '.mwf'
  3. Click Open
Save a map you have created to your computer so you can open and edit it at a later date.
  1. Click Save
  2. Enter the path on your computer where you want to save the map to. Ex: 'C:\myMap.mwf'
    Note: the path you enter must exist and the file name must include the '.mwf' extention
  3. Click OK
  4. If you have specified a proper path and file name the map will save
Prints the map.
  1. Click Print
  2. Remember you can add a title to your map by right clicking the map and selecting Page Setup
  3. You can print in landscape mode by clicking Properties in the print menu or Print Setup in the Page Setup menu
Collapses all the layer groups in the legend.
Expands all the layer groups in the legend.
Displays tools that let you make edits to your map. You can add symbols, lines, polygons, and text, and manipulate layers.
Displays this help menu.
Adds a symbol to the map.
  1. Click Symbol
  2. Click the point on the map where you would like to add the symbol
  3. Modify the symbol type, size and rotation in Preferences
Adds a line to the map.
  1. Click Polyline
  2. Click the point on the map where you would like the line to start
  3. Move the cursor and click again to add a segment to the line
  4. Add as many segments as you like
  5. Double click to end the line
  6. Modify the line color, style and thickness in Preferences
Adds a polygon to the map
  1. Click Polygon
  2. Click the point on the map where you would like the polygon to start
  3. Move the cursor and click again to add a vertex to the polygon
  4. Add as many verticies as you like
  5. Double click to close the polygon
  6. Modify polygon colour and style in Preferences
Adds text to the map.
  1. Click Text
  2. Type the text you wish to add to the map in the form
    Note: you can add a carridge return to you text by typing '\n' in the form. Ex: 'My\nProperty'
  3. Click the point on the map where you would like to add the text
  4. Modify text font colour, size, rotation and style of your text in Preferences
Deletes selected map features from the markup layer.
  1. Select one or more features from the Markup layer
  2. Click Delete
Displays the markup preferences. This will allow you to define the colour, size and style of markup features you add.
  1. Click Preferences to open the Markup Preferences window
  2. Make changes to your markup settings
  3. Click to update your setting
  4. Add your new markup features to your map with the Symbol, Polyline, Polygon and Text buttons
Displays the layer options.
  1. Click Layers to open the Layer Options window
  2. Select a layer to modify
  3. Click to change the drawing order of the selected layer
  4. Click to give the selected layer a new name
  5. Click to add a saved layer from an .mlf file
  6. Click to permanently remove the selected layer from the map
Highlight Tenure
Displays the Tenure options and allows you to build a customized tenure layer.
  1. Select tenures from one of the MTO layers on the map
  2. Click Highlight Tenure to open the Tenure Options window
  3. Enter a name for the tenure selection in the Tenure Name field
  4. Modify the style for the tenure layer
  5. Click to build a customized tenure layer